Lyin’ on the Couch Watching Oprah

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Catching Up January 3, 2010

Filed under: sewing — stephres @ 10:25 am
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On one of my last posts I said something about how I would keep up with everything now that I am PTA president and man, it is tough! The sewing is the hardest to keep up with, but I work it in when I can. Like when we are off from school! Whenever we have a break, I am sewing. Let’s start with Halloween…

Halloween was tough this year, I found a store-bought pattern for fairies that looked pretty easy so of course it wasn’t. Luckily my mom was around to help with the petals and I made two bodices before deciding on the simply sweet halter top that I liked. What a pain that stupid fairy outfit was, but look how cute she is!

It was much more difficult than last year’s Halloween costume. I used Carla’s portrait peasant to make a quick and easy Snow White costume. So cute and I’ve learned my lesson!

For school outfits, I had her Hello Kitty vida which needed its straps repaired and I went ahead and added buttons. I had originally had the straps knotted through the buttonholes and never really liked it. I also added the pom pom trim to jazz it up.

I also had to lengthen the twirl skort pattern for the second time to make her this outfit. I fear this will probably be the last time I can make this one for her, without serious alterations. It is one of her favorite patterns though.

I decided to try that Katrin pattern I used for her back to school outfit again on a black kitty jumper in corduroy. So appropriate for the 85 degree Octobers we have here! I was so ticked off I made it too short so now it needs leggings to go with it. I just didn’t buy enough fabric, it was completely my fault.

The Mother/Son Dance had a 60’s theme so I dragged brought Jacob to the fabric store and he picked out this crazy looking batik. I made him Carla’s festive vest and myself a tunic. Alas, we did not win best dressed with all those fancy moms in their mod dresses and gogo boots. It was a wild sight and we had a great time!

For Thanksgiving, Megan picked out this patchwork-looking fabric and I made her a tunic. I was going to ruffle up some jeans to go with them, but she only has three pairs and I figured she would only wear this top for a month. What a horrible mom I am!

With the leftovers, I made my mom some criss cross coasters (which I love because there is no topstitching). I made some for Megan’s teacher and she said, “They’re so cute! What are they?” I laughed about that one, but I am so glad she asked me! Can you imagine getting a gift and then not knowing what to do with it? You don’t see a lot of fabric coasters around, so it’s a good thing they are so cute.


And that’s October and November! Thanks for checking in with me and I will update with December projects soon (I promise!).